Chicken Burrito stuffed w/ spinach and feta

2 Chicken Breasts
2 cups Spinach
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
1 cup feta cheese
¼ tsp Oregano
¼ tsp garlic powder
¼ tsp salt

Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
Chop spinach and place in a bowl.
Chop feta cheese into small ¼” pieces add to bowl with oregano, olive oil, garlic powder and salt.
Mix all ingredients together.
Butterfly the chicken breast to open out, covering the chicken with parchment paper, pound the chicken to thin it out.
Place each chicken breast onto a large piece of aluminum foil, spread half the spinach/feta mixture onto the chicken breast, roll chicken up and wrap in foil.
Place the chicken into oven for 20 minutes.
Remove the chicken from oven, unwrap and enjoy.

The chicken will be a pale color. If you want the chicken looking differently:
In a frying pan heat up 1 Tbsp of olive oil over medium heat
Add chicken cook for approximately 3 minutes on each side