Steves Homemade Burger

1 lb ground beef (80% lean) 1 onion
Worcestershire sauce Low sodium soy sauce
Olive oil 2 egg yolks
Sea salt
Dressing Ingredients
Mayonnaise (I prefer avocado mayonnaise)
Sriracha sauce
Sliced cheese (to your liking, I prefer cheddar cheese)

Place ground beef in a bowl and let sit on the counter at room temp. for 30 min. Add 2 egg yolks, 1 Tbsp Worcestershire sauce and ½ Tbsp Low sodium soy sauce. Mix together by hand and let sit on countertop for 5 minutes.
Slice onion, in a frying pan add 1 Tbsp olive oil place over med to high heat and add onion and 1 Tbsp soy sauce. Sautee for 5 min.
While onions are cooking, make 4 patties with the ground beef. With your thumb make an indentation in the center of each patty (about 1½” dimple). Place 2 patties in the pan and allow to cook, about 3 minutes. Sprinkle a pinch of salt then flip burgers. Wait another 2 minutes, add a small square of butter to the burger. Once the butter melts, flip the burger again.
While burgers are cooking. In a small bowl mix 2 Tbsp of avocado mayonnaise with 1 tsp sriracha sauce.
(for burger)
Add a slice of cheese, if desired, let cheese melt to your liking.
Place burger on a plate and let sit for 3-5minutes, add dressing to the other side of the bun, add onions to the burger.